The Legend of the White Snake in Chinese Folklore

Chinese folklore is filled with stories of magic, adventure, and romance. One of the most famous tales from Chinese folklore is the legend of the White Snake. This is a story of a powerful snake that can transform into a beautiful woman, and her love for a human man. The legend is set in the city of Hangzhou, in the Zhejiang province of China, where a beautiful lake is located, called the West Lake. This lake plays an important role in the legend of the White Snake.

The Origin of the Legend of the White Snake

The legend of the White Snake has been passed down through generations in China for centuries. The origins of the story are not entirely clear, but it is believed to date back to the Tang dynasty, which was between 618 and 907 AD. The legend has been told and retold in various forms, including poetry, novels, operas, and television dramas. The story has become a beloved part of Chinese culture and has inspired many other works of art.

The Characters of the Legend

The legend of the White Snake centers around two main characters: the White Snake and Xu Xian. The White Snake is a powerful snake that can transform into a beautiful woman. She is kind-hearted and compassionate, and she has a strong sense of justice. Xu Xian is a young man who lives in Hangzhou. He is a kind and gentle person who runs a medicine shop. The two characters meet at the West Lake, and they fall in love at first sight.

The Love Story of the White Snake and Xu Xian

The love story of the White Snake and Xu Xian is the heart of the legend. They meet at the West Lake, and they fall in love immediately. They spend time together, talking and laughing, and they promise to be together forever. However, their love is threatened by a monk named Fahai. Fahai is a powerful monk who is against the relationship between a human and a spirit. He tries to separate Xu Xian and the White Snake, and he succeeds by trapping Xu Xian in a temple. The White Snake tries to rescue Xu Xian, but she is captured by Fahai and imprisoned under a pagoda.

The Battle between Good and Evil

The legend of the White Snake is not just a love story. It is also a story of the battle between good and evil. Fahai, the monk who tries to separate the White Snake and Xu Xian, is seen as the antagonist in the story. He is portrayed as a powerful, cunning, and manipulative character who uses his magic to control others. However, he is not entirely evil. He is driven by his belief that spirits and humans should not mix, and he is willing to do whatever it takes to protect the natural order.

On the other hand, the White Snake is seen as the protagonist of the story. She is a symbol of goodness, kindness, and compassion. She is willing to risk everything to save Xu Xian and to be with him. Her love for Xu Xian is pure and true, and it is what drives her to fight against Fahai and to overcome all obstacles.

The Significance of the Legend

The legend of the White Snake is more than just a story. It has deep cultural and historical significance for the Chinese people. The story is often seen as a symbol of the struggle between traditional Chinese values and modern ideas. The character of Fahai represents the traditional values of Chinese society, which emphasize the importance of hierarchy, order, and the natural order. The White Snake, on the other hand, represents the new ideas and values that emerged in China during the Tang dynasty. These new ideas emphasized the importance of love, compassion, and individual freedom.

Furthermore, the legend of the White Snake is also seen as a symbol of the power of love. It shows that love can conquer all obstacles, including those imposed by social conventions and traditions. It also highlights the importance of empathy, compassion, and understanding in relationships, as these qualities are what allow the White Snake and Xu Xian to overcome their differences and to build a strong and lasting bond.

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The Cultural Significance of the West Lake

The West Lake, where the legend of the White Snake takes place, is an important cultural landmark in China. It is considered one of the most beautiful lakes in the country and has been a popular tourist destination for centuries. The lake is surrounded by lush green hills, temples, pagodas, and gardens, and is famous for its scenic beauty and tranquil atmosphere.

The West Lake is also a symbol of the cultural and historical heritage of China. It has been mentioned in many Chinese literary works, including poems, novels, and operas. It is also a UNESCO World Heritage Site and has been recognized as an important cultural and natural site of global significance.


The legend of the White Snake is one of the most beloved and enduring stories in Chinese folklore. It is a story of love, courage, and sacrifice, and has captured the hearts and imaginations of generations of Chinese people. The story has inspired many works of art and has become a symbol of the power of love and the importance of empathy, compassion, and understanding in relationships.

Moreover, the story of the White Snake is also a reminder of the cultural and historical heritage of China, as well as the country's rich and diverse folklore. The legend of the White Snake and the West Lake continue to attract tourists from around the world, and serve as a testament to the enduring appeal of Chinese culture and traditions.

Video : The Legend of the White Snake in Various Versions

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